Friday, May 8, 2009

Writer's Block or On Hiatus?

By now, a number of you have been wondering what happened to me and my "daily" blog? Of course, it would be easy to claim writer's block as the cause for my absence. Or I could simply state that I had decided to take a hiatus from writing which could be considered a mistake on my part. I am aware of the great danger of losing readership during an extended absence so please make sure that you tell everyone that "I am back!"

Recently, I finished reading a novel entitled At First Sight by author Nicholas Sparks. This work is actually a follow up to the story which begins in the novel True Believer by the same author. The main character in both novels is Jeremy Marsh, who writes a monthly column for a scientific focused magazine. He also does freelance articles for other publications and investigative reporting on the side. In the second of these novels by Sparks, Jeremy has relocated from New York City to a small town in rural North Carolina. While the home he has purchased is being renovated, Jeremy finds it extremely difficult to continue writing his column. I would highly recommend any of Nicholas Sparks' novels. You will probably be surprised at the movie titles that you recognize among his works.

There is some similarity between Jeremy Marsh and myself in that over the past week, it has been hard to focus on writing. You see, about ten days ago or so, Bill and I decided that we should make a conscientious effort to make the house we have lived in for over two years our own. I think it all started when the washer quit and we had to purchase a new washer and dryer. That starting a cleaning frenzy that has been ongoing ever since. So we eventually removed the carpet from the last room on the main floor, exposed the hardwood floors, cleaned them and began the process of redoing our home office.

Since all of this began, we have basically touched every room in the house. Furniture is being re-purposed and used in other rooms. In the words of one of the historical church fathers who has influenced my life greatly, Martin Luther, what does this mean? One of the main things it means for me is that I am stepping out in faith. After all, why go to all this work at a time when I remain unemployed, Bill is on medical leave and the future of the house in uncertain. Because for the first time in several years, I find purpose in the things that I am doing to make the house a home. For over two years, we have existed in this expensive space without really allowing ourselves to enjoy it.

I also am able to find solace in the Old and New Testament scriptures which I studied in preparation for the ministry. Putting my future in God's hands allows me to move forward with confidence. He explained it to the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." [Jeremiah 29:11] For me, it is a no-brainer. If I believe that God has been the guiding force in my life to this point, then it seems natural to trust him for my future. For many, that is called "faith". "... Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." [Hebrews 11:1]

So in the meantime, we find ourselves making a house into a home and enjoying each day as it comes. I pray for strength to carry on and trust that God will deliver, confident that whatever lays ahead is in keeping with God's will. While it might be easier to give up, I am reminded of my lifetime Scripture verse spoken at the rite of confirmation. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." [Joshua 1:9] Borrowing the thoughts and words of Martin Luther (May 1521), "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen."

~ DB Turnmire

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