Saturday, March 5, 2011

Letters to Emma - Day 3

"People were bring little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.' And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them." [Mark 10:13-16 NIV]

Dear Emma,

What a blessing you are, especially in the eyes of God! It is my prayer that as you grow through the days and years ahead, that God will always reach out and bless you through His own dear child, Jesus. One day, you will read these letters and gain a greater understanding of my love for you. Even more, it will always be my prayer that you will also come to know the love of Jesus in your life.

Someday I hope to share with you my faith journey and how, even when others thought God was so far away from my life, He was indeed right there beside me all the way. I trust and pray that Jesus will be your friend and that it will never seem that he is not there right beside you.

Today has surely been a big day for you, Emma. You and your mommy and daddy had a day of bonding together - the first of many. I also know that you have another of God's creatures who will be very interested in playing with you and protecting you. The picture of you and Sage together is adorable. In time, you will enjoy watching Sage and the kitties, playing with them and maybe even pulling an ear or tail from time to time.

Tomorrow, we will pray for your family in church and celebrate your arrival into your family. For tonight, I will share one of the first songs your mommy learned to sing.

Jesus love me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to him belong,
They are weak but he is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes, Jesus loves me;
Yes, Jesus loves me; The Bible tells me so!

Good night, Emma.
Love, Grandpa David

Friday, March 4, 2011

Letters to Emma - Day 2

"Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." [Proverbs 17:6]

Dear Emma,

Your mommy and daddy, all of your grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends of your parents are more captivated today than yesterday by the adorable baby girl in Muncie, Indiana. By now, your parents have taken you home from the hospital and all of you are getting settled in as the Malheim family. Don't tell them but your mommy's and daddy's lives have only started to change.

Just between you and me, Emma, I am enjoying being a grandfather. Contrary to common thought, it is actually helping me to feel younger rather than older. Some of my co-workers and friends are having a great time calling me "grandpa" or asking "How's grandpa today?" That's OK because I enjoy showing off pictures of you to friends at work, at church and even where I used to work in Minnesota. And if your daddy and mommy keep taking adorable pictures of you, I will keep showing them off. Since it has been decided that I will be visiting you in Indiana in a few weeks, perhaps we can have our picture taken together. You will become a celebrity here in Dallas, Texas.

The time has grown late dear Emma so I will end this letter with the following night time prayer.

"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord, my soul to keep.
To guide me safely through the night
And wake me with the morning light."

Good night and God bless!
Grandpa David

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Letters to Emma - Day 1

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." [Jeremiah 1:5a-b NIV]

Dear Emma,

Welcome to the world! When you were born, a little more than 24 hours ago, God graced His creation with another touch of beauty and innocence. Your mommy Amy and daddy Jeremy have awaited your arrival with the utmost love and anticipation. And now, dear one, you are here!

As you grow to know the love and warmth of your mother and the gentle touch of your father, I know that God has great things in store for you. His plans for you began even before you were a twinkle in the eyes of your loving parents. I know you are a special little girl because your parents are very much in love with each other and have longed to share that love with the greatest of God's gifts - their own dear child.

What a tremendous blessing you have already been for your daddy and mommy, as well as all of the extended family members and friends who have waited for the day of your birth. It is my prayer that those loved ones will always treasure you and be a blessing to you. In return, I believe that you will bring an abundance of blessings into their lives.

Emma Denise, there are a thousand wonderful things that I would tell you about your family in due time. Of course, most of those things are about your mother and her siblings. Your mother and I shared a special father-daughter bond in those early years and I pray that you will share that same special relationship with both of your parents. I imagine that you will become "daddy's little girl" in due time, even though I am sure he will want you to be a fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

One day soon, I hope to hold you in my arms as I once did your mommy. It is very hard for me to believe that time has passed so quickly and this "daddy's little girl" has grown into a beautiful mature woman, a wife and a mother. Now I am a grandfather and hope you will be "grandpa's little girl" whenever we have time to spend together.

Until then, I will ask God to send his angels to watch over you and your parents. May He bless each of you with the fullness of His love and grace to keep you safe and healthy. Tonight as you and your mommy rest, I entrust your family to our Heavenly Father with the words of an ancient Welsh folk song:

"Sleep my child and peace attend thee,
All through the night;
Guardian angels God will send thee
All through the night."

Good night Emma!
With love, Grandpa David