Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How Much Will It Cost Me?

It's April 15, 2009 and once again, a number of our fellow citizens will be filled with dread and fear as they scramble to complete and file their tax forms or file for an extension by midnight tonight. One of the big questions for many will be "how much will it cost me?" That question may be applied not only to tax bills but also to a plethora of other things in our lives as well.

For me, aside from the disappointment that Bill and I are unable to file our taxes jointly and received other tax benefits that married couples receive, I have rarely been anguished over paying taxes. This even when I was saddled with the entire tax bill during two years when I was self-employed and was not allowed to claim any of my children as exemptions thanks to the district judge who presided over my divorce.

Every day, I take advantage of the benefits of governments which collect taxes to provide services and protections. On any given day, I am able to walk out of the home that I own with Bill "on paper", get in one of our vehicles and drive on roads and highways paid for and repaired with tax dollars (income taxes, gas taxes, property taxes). During my post-secondary educational years, I benefited from grants provided by the federal government for students in need. Several members of my family currently benefit from Social Security payments and medicare benefits funded in part by taxes which I have paid over the years.

Two of my four children are currently enlisted in the United States military. Tax dollars provide them with equipment needed for training, monetary benefits real time and educational opportunities in the future. It would be my hope that our tax dollars will also be used wisely to provide for the thousands of men and women who have been injured or disabled while serving this nation over the last two decades as well as countless others before them throughout history.

Tax day will occur on or about April 15 each year unless the tax code is changed. From time to time, we all feel a bit overwhelmed or oppressed by taxes. Just remember that the government is intended to be of benefit to the citizens of this country. Even Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's". Whether you believe that refers to paying taxes or not, for me it is recognition of the sovereignty of civil government. Like it or not, tax day has come again and tomorrow is another day.
~ DB Turnmire

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