Monday, April 20, 2009

Thoughts Dancing In the Night

Shadows of the night appear as I gaze out the window
Mystified by racing thoughts and premonitions.
All is not well, yet what could this mean
Alone in the darkness with someone beside me?

Feelings of sadness fill me at daylight;
Reflections dance round inspired by desire.
Filled with fears of what is unknown
I trudge through another day detached from the world.

Daylight fades as evening approaches marking day’s end.
Things not said form walls that divide;
Anger erupts to pierce the silence;
Raging questions and heated emotions take their toll.

Wearied silence creeps in on the heels of the night.
The same shapes and shadows reveal themselves
As I stare out the window,
Longing for a peace not even I understand.

NOTE: This poem was considered a work in progress when I stopped working on it on February 17. Upon returning to discover the poem on Monday, 20 April 2009, I determined that it was indeed complete “as is.” It also occurred to me that poetry is often a snapshot in time and not always reflective of the bigger picture. To read more into one’s poem than appears on the page would likely be a huge mistake.
~ DB Turnmire

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