Thursday, April 9, 2009

Modern Day "Job"

Some of you are undoubtedly familiar with the Old Testament Biblical character, Job. This man had been blessed by God with family, land and possessions. God presented Job as an example of faithfulness and steadfastness to the Evil One. So confident in His servant, God allowed Satan to tempt this man of God in several feeble attempts to bring Job to the point of cursing his Maker.

As a result of "this deal", Job lost his entire family (except for his wife), his land, his possessions and his reputation among his so-called friends. Afflicted with sores which covered him from head to toe, his friends tried to convince Job that he had committed some horrrendous sin against God and was suffering the wrath of God in return. Even his wife could not understand why he refused to accept his fate and curse The Almighty.

In the face of our current economic times, many individuals find themselves facing circumstances which could set them up as "modern day Jobs". Jobs have been lost, homes have been foreclosed, and in some instances families have disintegrated under the stress of economic downturn. When facing difficult times, it would be easy to "curse God and die".

However, in the midst of my own economic downturn, I have been reminded that this is exactly when I should be considering my blessings. My life has been blessed and I continue to be amazed at how God provides. I have a loving life partner, Bill, who has supported me through these tough times even as he faces his own struggles with medical disability. For the most part, my children are supportive as they can be in the midst of their own life issues and challenges.

It has been more than five months since my previous employer terminated my employment due to the economic crisis. During the following weeks and months following my layoff, I have been unable to secure another position. Six monthly mortgage payments have been met during that time by the grace of God. To date, no monthly bill payments have been missed. Do I know how we will make next month's mortgage payment? Not at this time. I am always reminded of God's words to His servant, Joshua. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." [Joshua 1:9]

Millions of individuals have lost gainful employment over the past two years in the United States alone. Depression and despair have led some to inflict pain and death on loved ones or strangers before surrendering to suicide. Thousands of individuals and families now find themselves homeless as a result of the home financing debacle. In modern times, the reaction of friends is often abandonment rather than pointing fingers of blame. Perhaps the result is even more devastating today than in Job's day.

Living in 2009, all of us find ourselves faced with challenges and questions basic to life in these uncertain times. We simply cannot take jobs, homes, friends and family for granted. By the end of the biblical account of Job, this man of God was blessed even more than he had been earlier in his life. On this side of this time of trial, it may be hard to envision the blessings on the other side.

Be encouraged, keep the faith, pray for endurance and trust that "the best is yet to come"!

~ DB Turnmire

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