Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Wonders Of Nature (Blog #11)

For really the first time this summer, Bill and I heard thunder and saw one flash of lightning fairly close. Of course, there have been other storms that have moved through to the east, north, south and west of us. Over Brooklyn Center, however, this was the first real hint of a thunderstorm at our house. (There might have been one a couple months ago when we were sound asleep but that hasn't been verified by anyone.) Very little rain accompanied our mini-thunderstorm. In fact, behind the house, our large trees prevented some of the lawn from even getting wet. Oh, the wonderful marvels of nature!

Imagine my surprise this morning when I walked out of the house shortly after 6:00am and found myself dripped on from the roof above. As I took Reba out for her morning routine, I noticed that the entire lawn is soaked, not with rain but with dew. Then I remembered that the Bible speaks of "dew" as a heavenly gift and a number of Scripture verses speak about the dew of heaven covering the ground. As the Israelites wandered in the wilderness after their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, it was heavenly dew that marked the arrival of their daily bread - manna from above. For the Old Testament followers, dew was considered a blessing from heaven. When you consider that this morning's dew left more water on the lawn than last night's rain, it surely is a blessing in the midst of another dry year.

Then again, is it not true that the most wonderful gifts we receive are often wonderful and unexpected. As human beings, you and I have much to be thankful for. Our bodies are marvels in and of themselves. No, that doesn't mean that we will never have issues due to our lack of care or the natural breakdown of organs or systems within our bodies. Biblical David recognized the gift he had received from his Creator and offers his praise in Psalm 139. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." [Psalm 139:14]

Perhaps the next time you witness a thunderstorm, large or small, you will remember all of the wonders of nature. And the next time you notice the "dew" on the grass, this too is a wonderful gift that provides the blessing of additional moisture to the earth as well. The majestic power of God is illustrated beautifully by the following verses from the Book of Job. "He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth. After that comes the sound of his roar; he thunders with his majestic voice. When his voice resounds, he holds nothing back. God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'" [Job 37:3-6]

Have a wonderful day filled with the marvelous blessings of nature!

~ DB Turnmire

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