Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is There Any Good News? (Blog #15)

Today is Wednesday, June 24, 2009 and the leading news stories may cause discomfort to say the least....

Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina, missing in action for several days, admits to an extra-marital affair and resigns as chair of the GOP governors' organization. Previously, Sanford was thought to be a front runner for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination. It would seem that he is no longer in the running for that position within the GOP party. On top of the extra-marital affair, Sanford's staff lied to cover up for his whereabouts during the last week. At first said to be hiking in the Appalachian Mountains, it turns out that the governor was playing in Argentina.

Then there is the story about new home sales continuing to fall during the month of May 2009 to levels almost 33% below last year's new home sales. There still seems to be a long way to go for any significant recovery of the housing market. Existing home sales did rise 2.4% for the month of May as prices were approximately 17% lower compared to a year ago.

Shock and disbelief follow insanity in a small Iowa town and school district where a nationally recognized high school football coach with over 35 years of service was fatally shot by one of his former players. The shooting took place inside a temporary weight room, because as it turns out this community was nearly devastated a little more than one year ago by a deadly tornado which killed eight people and destroyed the coach's home as well as many others. Several current football players witnessed the shooting and as many as 50 students were inside the high school at the time. Iowa's governor, a former high school football coach himself, stated that the loss will be felt throughout Iowa and the nation.

Perhaps one of the most disturbing news stories I ran across today was a story about the federal government's aid package for individuals and families who are trying to purchase homes in foreclosure. Here is why I find this disturbing. This assistance package will allow those who purchase foreclosed homes or purchase them to restore them prior to resale to receive additional incentives like lower interest rates and down payment assistance. With this program, the government is encouraging new buyers to take advantage of the former owner's misfortune.

"What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, 'Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." [James 2:14-17] Time will tell whether the highly debated stimulus package is like those who say, "Be well; keep warm and well fed" without offering real hope or meaningful assistance. I, for one, could use some good news for a change!

~ DB Turnmire


  1. The news always focuses on the worst possible events! Maybe we should start our own station where we only deliver a "good news" that actually takes place?

  2. That might be true but the fact that the news is dominated by "bad things that happen" also points to the human appetite to feast on the misfortune of others.

  3. agreed... again, not very good. No wonder everyone seems screwed up.
