Monday, June 15, 2009

Difficult Transitions (Blog #5)

Transitions may be wonderful times in our lives. In fact, we may be excited and eager for certain transitions to take place. Such transitions might include graduation from high school, the change that takes place when two people move from being single to married and partnered, or the transition that takes place when one leaves a job to pursue a better, more fulfilling opportunity.

Other transitions that we face in our lives may not be so pleasant or enjoyable. On the other hand, there may be transitions that are bittersweet as well. For example, parents may experience joy in knowing children have grown to adulthood yet, at the same time, they may also have a sense of sadness knowing that they have now become empty-nesters. One who is retiring after a long career may be joyous and sad at the same time. It is very common for retirees to have difficulty making the transition from working every day to a more relaxed and casual pace of life.

There are also those transitions which we are totally unprepared for. Situations may be thrust upon completely without warning and preparation. For example, a few million individuals have found themselves without jobs in the last few years. These individuals have face transitions without preparation, anticipating further transitions and further life changes. Millions have been forced to make the transition from living in their own homes to rental homes and apartments, living with friends or relatives, or even finding themselves homeless. Not only are we unprepared for these types of transitions, we may never become comfortable with the changes we are forced to make.

Heavenly Father, you know the innermost yearning of our hearts and you know the path you have chosen for us to follow. Send your Holy Spirit, we pray, to heal our pains in the face of unwanted transitions which may be thrust upon us. Give us courage and wisdom to overcome our heartaches and guide us toward a greater good in our lives. Watch over us, guide us, protect and direct us along the path of righteousness. In Jesus' name, Amen!

~DB Turnmire

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