Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pondering History

There is an old cliche which states that "history repeats itself". Of course, sometimes events in another person's life will remind us of our own past. While a similar situation will present a new perspective for us when it happens to someone else, that is our opportunity to share any kernels of wisdom we have learned through our experiences. Having said that, I decided to share another poem which was written a number of years ago...

April 2, 2002 ~ David Turnmire

We spend much of our lives waiting, searching, dreaming, and hoping
For the right person.
Along the way, we compromise our hopes, our dreams, our values, ourselves.

We attempt to find happiness and we strive to love.
Often we overlook what we perceive to be another’s shortcomings.
So we offer our hearts, our minds, our souls, our bodies
As we commit ourselves to something different than we hoped for.

For a time, we are comfortable and outwardly at peace.
Wearied by the journey, our inner voice is only a whisper
And easily ignored.

Then, one day, it happens…a voice, a face, a glance, a thought.
The stirring begins and the cries of our inner voice grow louder.
A conflict within us reminds us
Of our hopes, our dreams, our values, ourselves.

From day to day, our personal struggle weighs on our hearts and our minds.
There is no doubt our love is true.
Yet, that still, small voice pleads to be heard.

Perhaps there is no answer to this life’s dilemma
But what do we do when our hearts would be torn apart.
One thing can be certain…
A missed opportunity to love is a lost opportunity to love.

Therefore, this question remains:
“Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?”
For those who have been through the pain of being in a serious relationship that has ended, somewhere along the line someone will tell you that "it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". In many instances, that is true. However, I would contend that such a statement is not always true. There have been times in my own life when I did not feel that at all. Fortunately, time does have a way of healing old wounds and changing one's perspective. Each one of us will have to answer the question for ourselves. "Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
~ DB Turnmire

1 comment:

  1. Thanks dad that hit the spot. I just wish time would speed by with this. I believe that one day I will be happy again but till then it will be a roller coaster ride. I know deep down she loves me and regrets it. I just feel lost sometimes with out her.
