Thursday, July 2, 2009

It Takes More Than Biology (Blog #16)

There is an old saying that "blood is thicker than water". Of course, it is true! The consistency of blood would ordinarily be thicker than water. In this case, however, the speaker would probably be talking about the bonds of biology taking precedence over other relationships. For example: father-child, mother-child, sibling-sibling relationships.

On the other hand, anyone close to the ongoing discussion about what makes someone gay has heard about "nature vs. nurture" or genetics vs. environment. It will not be my intention in this blog post to address that question or add to the discussion.

I will allege in this blog post that there is much more to parenting than the biological connection. It will undoubtedly come across as arrogant to state that not everyone who procreates or gives birth to a child should be a parent. Real parenting requires much more of an investment than simply passing on a few genes via some sperm or an egg. An enduring parent-child relationship requires much, much more than a few genes carried in the blood stream of a human child.

Parental bonding is not achieved through material gifts or financial contributions. Mutual parent-child respect is not earned by demands or stipulations. Such respect is not measured in the decibel level of a parent's or child's voice. When someone who is truly interested in their children and wants to provide a loving environment for them, that is not shown by threats or calling the police to do what they are unable to do for themselves. A sincere parent will not look for someone else to hold responsible when they themselves have failed.

Why is this so difficult for many in our world to see and even more difficult for others to understand? For me, it remains unfathomable at times why certain people consistently have the ability to dupe the system, perhaps their church family and, even more importantly, their own immediate family members. The most I can do is surrender this to God and pray for those affected.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." [Galatians 6:7-8 NIV]

~ DB Turnmire

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