Monday, July 13, 2009

What's Up With Number 13? (Blog #31)

What is it with the number 13 that some people consider it an unlucky number? You know, some hotels have been built over the years without a thirteenth floor. Then there are all those ridiculous "Friday the 13th" movies and all the usual hype about any month where the 13th falls on a Friday.

Now, if one were to ask me, I would say that the number 13 is not unlucky at all. Of course, I am not generally superstitious either. For example, if I go to the local bagel store and buy a baker's dozen, I am thrilled to receive that thirteenth bagel with the bundle. Don't forget that the United States of America began with 13 colonies. Who would every consider that to be an unlucky number of colonies for which to start a new country?

We could debate the whole notion of "luck" itself. What is luck? Is it a tiny little green leprechaun running around dispensing four leaf clovers to bring us luck? My preferred way of conveying wishes to someone who is about to undertake an important decision or life-changing activity would be to say "Blessings", "Best Wishes", or "I hope everything goes well for you".

Today, July 13, 2009, was a blessed day for Bill and me. We have received a reprieve from some of our fears and stresses. Without going into detail, we might say that prayers have been answered. James writes in his letter to remind us that "the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." [James 5:16b NIV] When God answers prayer in powerful ways, I am always amazed and thankful. "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." [Psalm 118:1 NIV]

~ DB Turnmire

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping that all is well. I am glad to hear that you have received some "luck" finally. I am not superstitious and definitely have not watch one Friday 13th movie, though not watching the movies is probably in part to the fact I am not a fan of scary movies. Though I do have a tendency to not step on cracks, but I am pretty sure that is just a little obessive behavior sneaking in. :)
