Monday, July 6, 2009

The Urge to Reconnect (Blog #23)

There seems to be something about advancing in years that stirs an inner desire to reconnect with one's past. I am quite certain that is not a revelation for many people but it seems quite strange coming from me. Over the past 30 years, I have returned to my hometown very few times. It never seemed like I had any reason to go back. Following graduation from high school, I drifted away from my classmates. I have not seen many of them since the day we graduated that Sunday after in May so many years ago.

Recently, for some reason which I do not fully understand, a curiosity has driven me to reach out and reconnect with individuals from the past. Of course, whenever you try to reestablish connections, there is always the possibility that it will not be well received. Still, it seems worth the risk. For so many years, it seemed unnecessary to be informed about these individuals' lives or welfare. Over time, I think you begin to realize the importance of the first years of your life and the people that might have been a part of it.

Whether your memories of elementary school and high school are positive or not, those experiences definitely have an influence on the rest of your life. It also happens to be true that over time, the negative memories hopefully fade or no longer seem to be as bad as they once were. Another factor that comes into play is the fact of our own mortality. We realize as we grow older that we are not invincible or indestructible as we perhaps thought we were during high school or youth in general.

Over the years I have missed a number of class reunions. Most of them I avoided on purpose because I was dissatisfied with my own life's achievements. It obviously did not occur to me that others were experiencing their own life struggles, disappointments, failures, rebounds, starting over and all of the other things that happen to human beings during the course of their lives. Reflecting back, I am the one who cheated myself out of the opportunities to stay in touch or reconnect over the years. My next class reunion should be in three years. I, for one, cannot wait to see my classmates who also feel the need to reconnect.

"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." [2 Peter 3:8 NIV]


  1. I can't decide if I am truly excited about my 10 year reunion next summer or just wonder how many have popped out kids. I know that children are a wonderful thing, but for me education has been more important. I will definitely be going, though I imagine 10 years isn't enough time for my class to truly jump outside its clicks and I will spend much of my time catching up with my old group of friends. It is funny that Brandon is the only one I still talk to on a semi-regular basis. Oh well, such is life.

    Good post!!

  2. I actually changed the title of the blog post because I feel perhaps "urge" is a better expression of the desire rather than a "need" to reconnect. Of course, it could also be said that the need is driving the urge! In any event, I am surprised by the very positive reaction of some of my high school classmates. Perhap turning 50 has something to do with that.
