Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Half Way There (Blog #25)

It is obvious that one of these days I will need to write multiple blog posts if I am to get back on track with my plan to submit 50 blog posts from the date I started this writing campaign until July 27, 2009. Well, in any event, at least I am half way to the goal. There have been a couple of dry spells when I was unable to post to this blog. Barring any more writing droughts, I will have exactly 19 days to complete the remaining 25 blog posts to make 50 by my self-imposed deadline.

The thought occurred to me that I could take the easy road and use this forum to publish some of the poetry which I have written over the past several years. However, upon further review, I have decided that most of the poems are either a snapshot in time or written to speak to a specific person or situation. Therefore, they would be too personal to simply present in place of a thoughtfully written blog post.

In the meantime, I am reminded of the apostle Paul writing his letters to young Timothy. In the first letter, Paul urges the young pastor to "fight the good fight of faith" [1 Timothy 6:12a NIV] and to hold on to the promise of the Gospel. By the end of his second letter, Paul tells Timothy: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." [2 Timothy 4:7 NIV] Paul's steadfast faith is set before the young pastor and all believers as an example.

You and I may not yet be at the end of our life's journey. We may be half way there or somewhere else along the path. Taking it one day at a time used to seem like a trite expression to me. Then one day, I realized that is all any of us are able to do. None of us knows the exact number of our days. That is true whether for faithful believers and non-believers alike. Whenever we undertake a project or set a goal and set out to accomplish it, the best we can hope for is to fulfill each day to the best of our ability.

Live each day to the fullest for it may be your last. Once tomorrow comes, today is but a memory we call "yesterday" and "tomorrow" becomes today. With that in mind, I hold on to the knowledge that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." [Hebrews 13:8 NIV] He was there at the beginning of life and the beginning of this writing campaign. The good news is that He will be there at the end of both.

~ DB Turnmire

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