Saturday, July 4, 2009

Trashy People (Blog #22)

What a bold title for a blog post, don't you agree? At first glance, you may think that I am about to launch into some sort of scripted tirade about people who may be considered lower class due to economic standing, educational experience or manner of dress. It is even possible that your minds are wandering to families and individuals who, either by choice or circumstance, make their homes in "mobile homes" or "mobile home parks". Of course, in the vernacular, we call them "trailers" and possibly even stoop to calling the people themselves "trailer trash".

That is not the purpose or direction of this blog posting. Instead, I would like to address those individuals who find it acceptable to just throw their trash wherever they seem to be. Just this morning, I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up a few things. The person behind me in line was making his way to his car as I proceeded to back out of the parking stall to leave the parking lot. Prior to entering his car with his purchase, a package of cigars, he unwrapped the cellophane and threw it to the ground. Then, to my amazement, he took the cigars out of the box (they were wrapped individually) and left the box laying on the ground beside his car and got into drive away. I was appalled and angry. This trashy person drove a nice car and was dressed nicely.

This morning's incident reminded me of a company I worked for while living in Dallas, Texas. It was amazing to me that some of the people who worked there did not see an issue with cleaning their vehicles out and leaving the trash laying in the parking lot, as if the trash fairy would suddenly swoop down and clean up the mess. Now considering that this was not a low income job and many of the employees drove SUVs, various models of Lexus and other nice cars, I was shocked the first time I saw all the garbage in the parking lot after work. I also remember that were strategically placed trash containers on either side of the entrance to the building.

Perhaps some brave soul will step up to the plate and inform me that my view of "trashy people" is somewhat skewed. I can't help but wonder if these people show such disrespect for public places and property owned by others, what other forms of disrespect do they show on a more personal level in their private lives. And life goes on!

~ DB Turnmire

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