Sunday, July 19, 2009

What I Love About Sunday (Blog #38)

There are songs about Sunday and songs appropriate for Sunday. There is a CD compilation of country songs which make up the "What I Love About Sunday" collection. Some people sing about their longing for Sunday the way it used to be. Others reminisce about family, friends and fried chicken on Sundays. I felt it appropriate that I too post a blog about my favorite Sunday memories and the things that I "love" about Sunday.

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." [Psalm 118:24 NIV]

One of the earliest things I remember and enjoyed about Sunday was that, at least for a morning, the work on the farm was set aside. Since we were dairy farmers, there was really no getting away from farm work. Unless there was a harvesting crisis or hay to be cut or baled, most Sundays found us on our way to church after the morning milking and chores. Of course, my earliest memories of church were of falling asleep during the long sermons. When I became a pastor later in life, I did my best to keep everyone's attention and was very good at spotting the dozers in the congregation.

After church, there was Sunday School. Whether I had prepared my lesson or not, I enjoyed being there because I was not at home working on the farm. When I learned that my parents and older siblings were having coffee at the local cafe after church, I was not so happy. More than once in awhile, I would be the recipient of a $.05 or $.10 cent bag of candy. This was a big deal back then because some of the candy was two for a penny and a roll of sweet tarts was only a penny in those days.

One of the events that I enjoyed about Sunday never wore off. The Sunday afternoon nap is one of my favorite memories about Sunday. Even as a pastor, Sunday afternoons were times to unwind and usually a nap was included. However, as a pastor, there were sometimes obligations or church events on Sunday afternoons which precluded my scheduled nap. Growing up on the farm, Sunday naps, especially in the wintertime, were a luxury to be cherished. Many farmers, just like the big old bears in the woods, would often sleep a lot during the winter and put on a few extra pounds. All of this to prepare them for the busy growing season ahead.

Most of all, the best thing about Sunday for me over the years was the Sunday morning worship service. The pipe organ, the choir, the congregational singing and the liturgy, or the piano, contemporary gospel anthems, a praise and worship team - all of these elements contributed to positive memories of Sunday worship. And like the farmers who rest in the winter to prepare for the season ahead, the Sunday service provided the refreshment needed for the week ahead.

That's what I love about Sunday!

~ DB Turnmire

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