Friday, July 10, 2009

A Moment in Time (Blog #28)

Today is the 18,246th day since my birth. When calculated out to a percentage, at this point in my life one day equals .00548 percent. Yes, that is less than six thousandths of a percent for each day which I have lived on planet earth. Of course, I don't even call myself old yet. Well, on the other hand, some days I do.

I had always heard it said that as you grow older, times passes more quickly. This is because as I have already demonstrated above that each day becomes a lesser percentage of your life. On my 18th birthday, each day of my life up to that point in time had been a much greater percentage of my existence. In fact, each day accounted for .0152 percent of my total lifespan which represents a percentage nearly three times the percentage for a 24-hour period now.

You may be asking yourself, "what difference does that make?" I would allege that it makes a great deal of difference on your perspective of life. As a child growing up on the farm, I remember that the summer days seemed to drag. Most summers, I longed for the end of summer so that I could return to school and see my classmates. Summer on our farm was filled with lots of hard work and fresh air. Longs days gave way to sultry nights in a house without air conditioning.

Nowadays, the hours seem to pass more quickly and one day blends into the next. Weeks come and go, months pass swiftly and a change of seasons seems constantly upon us. It is almost unbelievable that so much time has passed in my life. 18, 246 days to be exact! Now more than ever, it is critical for my generation to make the most of each day as it comes.

~ DB Turnmire

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