Friday, July 17, 2009

Christmas in July! (Blog #34)

Today is the 17th of July. At 4:00pm, the temperature is 61° Fahrenheit. This is the middle of summer, isn't it? Not that I mind getting out a flannel shirt and jeans for a day. The cool weather we have been experiencing here in the Minneapolis area reminds me of July 1990, at another place and time. That year found me living Gillette, Wyoming, where later in the month we were headed out for dinner. It had been rainy and cool all day and by the time we went to dinner, the temperature was in the mid-40s. Weather like that is a shock to the system, especially when earlier in the month we had topped out around 106° Fahrenheit. A sweater felt really nice on that particular evening.

Now back to 2009, the cooler weather reminded me of an almost yearly discussion about celebrating Christmas in July. Of course, this is one of those things that if often talked about never really acted upon. Reflecting upon the concept with more depth, perhaps we need an out of the ordinary celebration during the summer. Sure, summers are filled with local festivals, fireworks displays, county fairs and vacations. Maybe this could be an opportunity to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. After all, the liturgical church calendar calls these days "Ordinary Days". Most summers, just the thought of Christmas and the snow and colder temperatures that accompany the season would be a welcome relief to the heat of summer. This year has been pretty mild or even cool, so we haven't had a lot of heat to get us stirred up.

Can you imagine celebrating Christmas in July and not getting caught up in the stress of buying gifts, wrapping them or any of the other madness that typically is included with our average celebrations in the month of December? Houses could be decorated without freezing your fingers. Put up a tree if you wish, prepare a simple dinner, attend a church service and truly enjoy your friends and family with minimal anxiety. It sounds perfect to me. Maybe family members could actually get into the spirit of the holiday and sing a carol or two without moaning and groaning. Maybe we do need a little Christmas in July!

Haul out the holly;
Put up the tree before my spirit falls again.
Fill up the stocking,
I may be rushing things, but deck the halls again now.
For we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute,
Candles in the window,
Carols at the spinet.
Yes, we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute...

...Slice up the fruitcake;
It's time we hung some tinsel on that evergreen bough.
For we need a little music,
Need a little laughter,
Need a little singing
Ringing through the rafter,
And we need a little snappy
"Happy ever after,"
Need a little Christmas now.
Need a little Christmas now.

(Lyrics from "We Need a Little Christmas")

"So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." [Luke 2:4-7 NIV]

~DB Turnmire

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