Monday, July 20, 2009

Keys, Checkbooks and Other Things (Blog #40)

Does anyone else having a problem misplacing items used everyday? For example, where did I put my keys, the checkbook or my cell phone? Oh, but the best thing for me is when I know I put an item away somewhere but then I cannot remember what drawer, which closet, which box or what nook or cranny I placed the thing. Someone close to me keeps reminding me that "if everything had its place, you would always know where to look for it". That usually rings true with tools, which I have "stored" in several different locations. And the one tool which I need at that moment is never in the right place!

Have you every spent a long time looking for something and then realized where it is or remembered where you put the item? You know, it's like the person who runs around looking for their sunglasses and then realizes that he moved them to the top of his head. Or the person who continues to look for his glasses even though he is wearing them.

Now there are those individuals with a penchant for misplacing things like bank debit cards because their lives are literally cluttered. Perhaps you have lived or worked with someone who always has a mess. Now, I can pack rat with the best of them but I strive for a sense of orderly accumulation. Some on the other hand, live or work among the piles and given enough time may actually find what they are looking for. There are a few rare exceptions that are able to function with the disorder and can retrieve something from the bottom of one of those piles in a matter of seconds.

There is a misinformed stream of theology in the world which talks about human beings finding God in their lives. God is not lost! He doesn't need to be found. We are the ones who are wandering around without direction, unable to find our way. Without God, we find ourselves underneath the piles of stuff called life. Just like Adam in the Garden of Eden, we are afraid to let God see the mess we make of our lives and so we attempt to hide. But the Almighty already knows our every move so hiding behind our makeshift fig leaves must seem silly to God.

"I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice." [Ezekiel 34:16 NIV]

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see!

~ DB Turnmire

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