Monday, July 20, 2009

One Week to Go! (Blog #41)

By this time, the most astute of blog readers will have figured out that July 27, 2009 means another birthday for the writer. Some among you will even know, through powers of deduction, that it is my 50th birthday. This golden event is supposed to be the first step on the path that leads to the "golden years" of life. However, a keen observer of society will note that the "golden years" are not always so golden!

Nevertheless, time marches on and one week from today at precisely 8:37pm, I will have been an individual presence on planet earth for exactly one half century. Fifty years seem like a long time when you are five or ten years old. Once you get here, however, the next 50 years will probably seem like a snap. My mother is approaching her 94th birthday in December and I cannot even begin to imagine what that must be like.

I am sure I will be inspired to write more about his upcoming event in my life. For now, there are seven (7) days to go and nine (9) more blog posts to reach my goal of fifty (50) new blog posts by my 50th birthday. To that end, I will leave you with a word of God from the prophet Isaiah.

" 'Listen to me, O house of Jacob,
all you who remain of the house of Israel,
you whom I have upheld since you were conceived,
and have carried since your birth.

'Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.' "

[Isaiah 46:3-4 NIV]

~DB Turnmire

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