Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing! (Blog #42)

Though far from the plotting and scheming of Shakespeare's play with the same title as this blog post, did you ever notice how some people have a tendency toward the dramatic? Even the simplest of affairs become major dramatic crises. Ordinary events become monumental and everyday actions bring about extraordinary reactions. Quite often, drama in our lives is brought about by a failure to communicate clearly and completely. This leads to misunderstanding and reactionary responses instead of calm, effective communication.

As somewhat of an outsider and a witness to these types of exchanges, I am disturbed and humored at the same time. Clearly what is being considered an urgent crisis is nothing of the sort. At the same time, there is frequently a complete lack of respect and consideration. Things are said in haste, anger boils and feelings are hurt. If the individuals are close to me, then my lack of willingness to intervene may be considered failure to show empathy or concern.

In the end, when all is said and done, the storm blows over and life goes on. However, it seems the ill feelings never completely subside and the next time around an even smaller issue may escalate into a huge ordeal. The human condition takes hold of us and keeps a tight grip on us along as we are reluctant to turn down a different path. It is easy to say that patience is a virtue or to claim understanding, but our words need to be accompanied by actions. The book of James reminds us that if we were able to keep our tongues in check, then we would be perfect. Since "we all stumble in many ways" [James 3:2a NIV], "in your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." [Ephesians 4:26-27 NIV]

~ DB Turnmire


  1. Drama is much more exciting, why not get ourselves worked up in to a fit of hysteria? Sigh...I just don't get it either. I think it if people would learn to think before they spoke and learned to listen to each other life would be easier. Communication is an important to successful social interactions.

  2. It is almost as if you are able to read between the lines and know what was on my mind at the time I wrote this blog post! :-)

  3. We are usually on the same page in life. It doesn't surprise me anymore. :)
